Slovenská biatlonistka Anastasia Kuzminová v stíhacích pretekoch 3. kola Svetového pohára vybojovala vo francúzskom Le Grand-Bornand už štvrté pódiové umiestenie za sebou.
Tentoraz skončila druhá, keď ju na 10 km trati o 14,0 sekundy zdolala jedine Nemka Laura Dahlmeierová, tretia so stratou 31,8 sekundy finišovala Talianka Lisa Vittozziová.
another perfect range for @skiverband Laura Dahlmeier and she keeps the lead, but it's still and open battle in #ALGB17 you can watch it on
— IBU World Cup (@IBU_WC) 16. prosince 2017
Kuzminova na druhom mieste
it's all smiles on the podium today for @skiverband Dahlmeier, back to winning after illness, but also for @Fisiofficial @lisa_vittozzi at her first podium of the season. Watch the #ALGB17 ceremony on
— IBU World Cup (@IBU_WC) 16. prosince 2017